Lundi 4 octobre 2010 21:39

Dessin de base

Final Photoshop

Dessin original by messa

Je suis plutôt content du résultat pour un de mes premiers essais en dessin (3 semaines d'expérience, je suis pas encore Alan Lee hein...). Mais bon, Enjoy ! (Taille réelle en cliquant sur les dessins)

PS : Je recommence à écrire bientôt ;).

Lundi 11 octobre 2010 21:16

Encore un dessin. Ben oui mais bon, on s'entraine comme on peut >.<
Dessin original : JenL

Photoshopage en cours

Vendredi 5 novembre 2010 21:00

Remember, remember,
The Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
I know of no reason why the Gunpowder Treason should ever be forgot...

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. [laughs] Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me "V".


We're oft to blame, and this is too much proved, that with devotion's visage and pious action we do sugar on the devil himself.


People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.


A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

Samedi 13 novembre 2010 0:17

Cet article est protégé par mot de passe :  

Dimanche 14 novembre 2010 13:45

Et sinon :

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